Meet Our Team

Game Over seeks to do things differently. The people involved are more important than the idea.

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Andrew Berkshire

[And-roo burk-shyre]

President - Game Over Montreal Host

Game Over started as a little passion project of Andrew's, but it has become a much more ambitious project. A veteran in multimedia hockey coverage since 2012, Andrew has experience building platforms, having been the managing editor of Eyes on the Prize, shepherding the ascension of that site, building the public face of Sportlogiq, and building Game Over at a smaller scale with sdpn Inc. Andrew believes in investing in people first, and thus far, that has never been a mistake.


Our returning group from our last venture. Now in leadership roles.

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Maude Schoblocher

[maw-d show-blocker]

Socials - Design - Game Over Ottawa Host

Maude started with Game Over Ottawa back in October of 2022, already a strong analyst, and has grown into a strong broadcaster. Her strong eye for design, sense of humour, and hockey knowledge make for a complete package.

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Charlie Arsenault

[char-lee are-suh-no]

Editorial - Design - Game Over Ottawa Host

Charlie has been with us since 2022, starting with Game Over Ottawa. A music afficianado, video and audio expert, and more; Charlie brings a unique set of skills to the table for Game Over, including designing the new intros and extros for Game Over.

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Kaja Antic

[kai-yuh an-tick]

Socials - Editorial - Game Over Vancouver Host

Kaja joined Game Over in 2022 to launch Game Over Vancouver, and has grown from being new about talking hockey in media to a bold, creative broadcaster. Her sense of humour and sense of timing continuously lead to memorable moments.

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Peter Klein

[pea-ter kline]

Training/Mentoring - Editorial - Game Over Calgary Host

Peter joined Game Over to launch Game Over Calgary en route to the playoffs in 2022, and continues to grow even as one of the more experienced broadcasters in the company. Peter wears his heart on his sleeve, a veteran broadcaster with excellent insights.

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Avry Lewis-McDougall

[ay-vry lew-is mc-doo-gall]

Editorial - Marketing - Game Over Edmonton Host

The hardest working reporter in Canadian sports, Avry has been with us since Game Over Edmonton began. Avry is a thought-provoking, wildly knowledgeable about much more than just hockey.

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Lauren Williamson

[ay-vry lew-is mc-doo-gall]

Socials - Client Relations - Game Over Toronto Host

Energetic, positive, hilarious, Lauren is about as charismatic as it gets.